Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Bahasa Inggris 2

Nama : Lian Ismaya
NPM : 24210012
Kelas : 3 EB 19


Promotion is one of the market mix elements, and a term used frequently in marketing. The specification of five promotional mix or promotional plan. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much money to budget for each. A promotional plan can have a wide range of objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equitypositioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of acorporate image. Fundamentally, however there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are:
1.     To present information to consumers as well as others.
2.     To increase demand.
3.     To differentiate a product.

• all forms of communication not found in advertising and personal selling, including direct mail, coupons, volume discounts, sampling, rebates, demonstrations, exhibits, sweepstakes, trade allowances, samples and point-ofpurchase displays In designing a promotional plan, clearly spell out:
• Which objectives to use. It is possible to have more than one objective, but it is recommended that a company target its audience or run the risk of losing focus.
• What to say
• Who to say it to
• Criteria used to measure success
Suggestions for Inexpensive Promotion
Some inexpensive, appropriate and effective methods of promotion for the new food processor include advertising through:
• Personal selling
• Product demonstrations
• Direct mail
• Business cards
• Yellow Page listing
• Seminars
• Newsletters
• Contests
• Flyers
• Statement stuffers
• Window banners
• Greeting cards
• Sports team sponsor
• Home parties
• Ethnic services—languages spoken
Of course, one of the best free methods of promotion is good “word of mouth."
Promotion Objectives
The promotion objectives need to be clearly stated and measurable. They must be compatible with the objectives of the company, as well as the competitive and marketing strategies. Objectives vary for different products and different situations. For example, producers must promote differently to brokers than to wholesalers. When promoting to a broker, the producer must promote what he/she wishes the broker to present to the wholesaler. When promoting to a wholesaler, the producer simply wants the wholesaler
to purchase the product. There are five general promotional objectives to choose from. The five types of objectives for promotional activities are1:
• to provide information
• to increase demand
• to differentiate the product
• to accentuate the value of the product
• to stabilize sales
Promotional Strategy
Once the producer has reviewed all the possible promotional tools, he/she must devise apromotional strategy. A
promotional strategy should address the following issues:
• What is the goal of the promotion?
• What types of promotion should be used?
• What effect should the promotion have on the customer?
• Which promotion is working?
• Which promotion is not working?
• What are the costs of the promotion compared to the benefits?

Promotion is benefit for customer, activities have a variety of aims:
·         To inform current and potential customers about the existence of products
·         To explain the potential benefits of using the product
·         To persuade customers to buy the product
·         To help differentiate a product from the competition
·         To develop and sustain a brand
·         To reassure customers that they have made the right choice

Marketers have at their disposal  four major methods of promotion. Taken together these comprise the promotion  mix. In this section a basic definition of each method is offered while in the  next section a comparison of each method based on the characteristics of  promotion is presented.  

a. Advertising
Involves non-personal; mostly paid promotions  often using mass media outlets to deliver the marketer’s message. While  historically Sales promotion is designed to be used as a short-term tactic to boost sales, the  advent of computer technology and, in particular, the Internet has increased  the options that allow customers to provide quick feedback.   

b. Public Relations and Sponsorship
Also referred to as publicity, this type  of promotion uses third-party sources, and particularly the news media, to  offer a favorable mention of the marketer’s company or product without direct  payment to the publisher of the information.

c. Personal Selling
As the name implies, this form of  promotion involves personal contact between company representatives and those  who have a role in purchase decisions (e.g., make the decision, such as  consumers, or have an influence on a decision, such as members of a company  buying center). Often this occurs face-to-face or via telephone, though newer  technologies allow this to occur online via video conferencing or text chat.

d.  Sales Promotion
Involves the use of special short-term  techniques, often in the form of incentives, to encourage customers to respond  or undertake some activity. For instance, the use of retail coupons with expiration dates requires customers to act while the incentive is still valid.

e. Direct marketing
A channel-agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses and nonprofits organizations to communicate straight to the customer, with advertising techniques that can include Cell PhoneText messaging, email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters, and outdoor advertising.

Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the customer, data, and accountability. Characteristics that distinguish direct marketing are:

- Marketing messages are addressed directly to the customer and/or customers. Direct marketing relies on being able to address the members of a target market. Addressability comes in a variety of forms including email addresses, mobile phone numbers, Web browser cookies, fax numbers and postal addresses.
- Direct marketing seeks to drive a specific "call to action." For example, an advertisement may ask the prospect to call a free phone number or click on a link to a website.
- Direct marketing emphasizes trackable, measurable responses from customers — regardless of medium.

  1. The term "promotion" is usually an "in" expression used internally by the marketing company, but not normally to the public or the market - phrases like "special offer" are more commo
  2. One estimate by the Promotion Marketing Association suggests that in the US alone spending on sales promotion exceeds that of advertising.
  3. To provide information
  4. To incrase demand
  5. To differentiate the product
  6. To accentuate the value of the product
  7. To stabilize sales
  8. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much money to budget for each.
  9. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity
  10. As a reward, marketers offer something of value to those responding generally in the form of lower cost of ownership for purchased product.

  1. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an incentive like discounts, free items, or a contest 
  2. whether the promotion involves a short-term value proposition (e.g., the contest is only offered for a limited period of time).
  3.  the customer must perform some activity in order to be eligible to receive the value proposition (e.g., customer must enter contest).
  4.  These responsibilities should not be taken lightly, as most employees look to their supervisors for guidance and examples of appropriate workplace behavior.
  5. A worker who has been selected for an increase in rank should be aware that this is an good time to engage in negotiations.
  6. Promotion is one of the market mix elements, and a term used frequently in marketing.
  7.  This is to increase the sales of a given product.
  8.  Free promotion through news stories in news letters, newspapers, magazines and television
  9. Sales promotions are used by a wide range of organizations in both the consumer and business markets, though the frequency and spending levels are much greater for consumer products marketers.
  10. While the delivery of the marketer’s message through television media is certainly labeled as advertising, what is contained in the message, namely the contest, is considered a sales promotion
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